Become a GCP Advocate

A great way to partner with GCP in the spreading of the Gospel to the remaining unreached people groups is by becoming a GCP advocate. We believe that if you get involved with us, not only will many lives on the other side of the world be blessed, but you will be blessed as well!

What is an Advocate?

The dictionary defines an advocate as “a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.” Simply put, a GCP advocate is someone who is passionate about our work and who is willing to tell others about what we do.
A GCP advocate should be familiar with all the aspects of our work and should be able to comfortably discuss things such as what GCP is and what we do.


What would I do as an Advocate?

Even though you alone may only be able to support one or two missionaries, as an advocate you may give hundreds of people the opportunity to help our brothers and sisters around the world!
A GCP advocate’s main objective will be to share our work with others, subsequently bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreached. Although this can be by speaking to your congregation, most of the time you’ll be meeting one-on-one or with friends, family, co-workers, home groups, or your pastor. You’ll introduce them to our work, answer any questions, show them our publications, and encourage them to contact us to discuss the possibilities of a partnership.

How do I start?


Take some time to browse our website and become acquainted with what GCP does. Read some of our Blog posts and look at some of the pictures in our gallery to get a better idea of what the other side of the world looks like. In addition, go to our Resources page and read our material, watch our Introductory video, read the statistics, and read our FAQ. It’s crucial to absorb all the information you possibly can so that when you are asked questions, you are able to provide correct responses.


Fill out the GCP Advocate Application and email it to us at We will evaluate your application and contact you with more details shortly after. Meanwhile, make sure you have a good scope of our work and call us if you have any remaining questions. Also begin to think about who you may be able to speak to about our work. Please feel free to print out the materials we have available in the Materials page.


After we have contacted you, you will be ready to go and tell your friends, family, small group, etc. about our work as a GCP advocate!

Invite us to your Church

Another way to get involved with GCP is by inviting one of our speakers to your church! By allowing GCP to present its work to your church, you would be giving many more people the opportunity to get involved with our ministry. Call us at 352-243-2030 to learn more!