Have you ever wondered what the ultimate goal of the Church is? In Matthew 24:14, Jesus’ answer is clear: “And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached into all the world as a testimony unto ALL NATIONS; and then shall the end come.” It should be noted that the word “nations” (etnos in the original Greek) being used here does not refer to countries, but to ethno-linguistic groups, or people groups.

Why is this important?  Because although the world today has more than 10,000 people groups, more than 4,000 of them are considered unreached by the Church. In other words, 42% of the world has virtually no access to the Gospel. And 29% of the world has NEVER heard of Jesus, meaning that more than 2 BILLION people will likely die without once having heard the Good News of Jesus Christ.

This is only further worsened when we look at how the Church has allocated its resources to reach these people groups. Today, 87% of all money designated for world missions is being used to reach Christian countries; and 12% is being used to reach regions with a significant Church presence. This means ONLY 1% of all of the money going to world missions is going to reach unreached people groups! To put this into perspective, Americans spend more money on Halloween costumes…for their pets…than get sent to unreached people groups.

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This is why Global Commission Partners works EXCLUSIVELY with unreached people groups and is why we believe they are the priority of the Church. We reach these groups by partnering with the most cost-effective missionary force today, local/native missionaries. These missionaries know the local languages, are intimately acquainted with the culture, can’t be deported, and can be financially supported with a fraction of what it costs to support a western missionary. By partnering with GCP, you will be providing native missionaries with the basic ministry tools and financial support they so desperately need; and as a result, you will multiply their effectiveness at reaching their own unreached people groups.

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