
All missionaries recommended by GCP have been carefully evaluated, are working specifically among unreached people groups, and are passionate, God-fearing men and women. They can speak several local languages and understand the culture of the people who they are reaching. They also live at a similar socio-economic level as the people to who they are reaching. They do not need visas and cannot be deported. And finally, they can be supported at a fraction of what it would cost to send a foreign missionary. Today, native missionaries represent the largest and most cost-effective missionary force in the world. In GCP, we believe that they are key to finishing the task of planting a witness of our Lord Jesus among the remaining unreached nations of the world.

Millions of children in poor countries of Asia and Africa have been forced into hard labor. Many others have been orphaned or abandoned by their parents. GCP has been constructing orphanages to take care of hundreds of these children. With a small gift of $25 you can provide a child with 3 daily meals, medical care, clothing, and Christian education.



Most native missionaries lack some of the most essential tools to do the work that the Lord has called them to do. Many times, opportunities to share the Gospel are lost simply because the missionary doesn’t have the transportation, tracts, or other tools he needs to reach all the people he or she wants to reach. Tools such as simple bicycles to reach more villages faster, gas lamps to gather together with the new believers at night and start new churches, Bibles to give away to new believers, and floor matts for them to sit on the floor during services are extremely important to equip pioneer church planters. Many of these simple tools, oftentimes taken for granted in western countries, have the potential to multiply the effectiveness of these workers in the other side of the world.



Global Commission Partners support various types of missionary projects around the world. Some of them include the construction of missionary training centers to equip and send native missionaries as pioneer church planters, orphanages where we provide our children with clothing, meals, health care and Christian education, and simple church buildings in some of the most remote areas of the world.