India: Revival For Christ on Pathopratima Island!

Missionary leaders dedicating the new site of the Rescue Center.

In Early February, our partnered ministry made a huge impact on the Island of West Bengal with the establishment of free medical clinics! And now we are seeing the fruit. Although their fellowship is small, both Ramganga and Namkhana Island have established weekly meetings of 7-10 individuals who gather weekly to worship the Lord! GCP fully anticipates that this fellowship will flourish over time as their mother church in Pathropratima Island did! Here is our GCP-partnered missionaries’ testimony about the work in these islands:

“Approximately one and a half years ago, we initiated a free clinic in Pathorpratima Island. Alongside fervent prayer, it has led to the establishment of a vibrant church community! This church has become the light in the darkness. The church eventually led to the formation of six additional fellowships across different islands. Presently, Pathorpratima Church boasts 49 baptized members. Our six house fellowships attract an average of 35 worshippers every week, and many have benefitted from our clinic services. In the past eighteen months, our clinic and prayer support have facilitated the conversion of 275 individuals to the Kingdom of God. This progress underscores the impact of our approach to community outreach and spiritual nourishment. We remain deeply committed to expanding our mission and serving as instruments of God’s love”

Please pray that Ramganga and Namkhana Island will have the spiritual revival that Pathropratima Island has had! Pray that the Lord continues to guide these missionaries to lead more and more souls for Christ!

Paulo Lanausse